❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Vermin AND Pestilence in the Elves' Woods - August 2024 Release Video

release content videos Jul 30, 2024
Plague Alchemist - close-up on stomach

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscriber!

And the video of August is finally here.

I don't know how it is at your place, but here, summer is finally in full blast, and I love it! And isn’t it a treat to withdraw from the warmest hours into a cool room to design, print, paint and game until the temperature drops a bit 😎

So, what have we prepared for you this month? Well, last month was a big success. Many of you were super excited that we finally released some ratkin. It is true that we had for a while been focusing more on humanoid races that are closer to humans, such as elves.

Working on those rats was a new challenge because we wanted to do them justice and at the same time, bring something new to this kind of miniature. From your comments, we apparently did good. 

So it made a lot of sense to keep on growing that line because that's what a lot of you have been asking for.

Yet there were also many other things that have been asked in the past few months, and especially in our last poll. 

One of the biggest requests was for Wood Elves, which, to be honest, surprised us… We’ve done Summer Fairies and Winter Fairies in the past that featured Wood Elves together with many characters that are extremely compatible with a Wood Elves army. We also included several Wood Elves in our Celtic releases (Legends of the Celt Kingdoms Part I and Part II)

Nevertheless, you asked for more so we had to do something about it!

But that was not all. There were also a lot of asks for more Chaos, especially since we released our Chaos Fantasy releases (Chaos, Blood and Steel and Chaos, Blood and Steel Part 2) and Sci-Fi (Chaos across the Galaxy) in the last few months, which got so many people super excited. 

So, since we've done double releases in the past, we thought, this summer, why not go for a triple release? 

A Triple Release

That would be a nice way to add additional elements to the Ratkin army, continue to develop a larger Wood Elves range by complementing what has already been done in past releases (Legends of the Celt Kingdoms Part I and Part II and our Summer and Winter Fairies) and also complement some of the Chaotic things we did in the Mortenburg release (which is packed with demonic pestilence) and in the Rampant Chaos in the City of Angels by adding more characters from the sickness and decay side of Chaos.

So, as always, I'm gonna let you go and watch that video because I know that's what you're here for today, but let me tell you: this release kicks serious ass. I especially love some of the Chaos characters, but to be honest, I love all of them. 

Don’t forget to keep reading after the video for more details 🙂

As always, one of the key challenges when you work on a topic like pestilence-ridden chaos characters is to make female characters that will look feminine and totally creepy at the same time. I really loved the female demon troops that we made for Mortenburg because we had managed to do that.

And now we gave them a very cool leader with Seraphina Blight, the Plague Ecclesiarch who is totally creepy, intriguing and yet still maintains a feminine look.

I really love this character because I think it's pretty unique. There's not a lot of similar stuff on the market.

The male characters are also insane... 

I don't need to say more, just check them out… 

And of course, well, there is the star of the show, Golgorath the Bloated, the big demon of pestilence…


If you haven't seen it yet, well... It's just nuts...

On the Wood Elves' side, well, there's a lot of very cool stuff. I find the Troops super elegant and the Heroes are full of personality and uniqueness. 

I especially love Sylvara Vinewhisper riding on a wave of thorns and having this massive pillar of carnivorous plants and her victim at her feet caught in vines and storms. I think it's just a little diorama by itself and it's a beautiful character.

Elowen, Empress of Renewal is also a character that I like a lot. It's just one of those magical ones. We really wanted to make a Wood Elf Queen that would be the spirit of fertility and rebirth and I think we did well with that.

Finally, the rats…

Well, what is there to say? They are just really, really cool, building up on what we did last time. I really like the new additions we have, you know, with even more troops and everything here is just looking fantastic.

Finally, I have a special mention for the Scenery this time. 

I'm always blown away by what the team creates for the Scenery, but this time, it was a bit different because we really wanted to see something out-of-the-ordinary and to make those very unique-looking chaos-infested plants was more of a challenge than it might seem. 

There's not a lot of good stuff that exists on that type of thing, not a lot of art, not a lot of miniatures, there were not a lot of references that were really interesting to build on and I'm especially proud of what has been made here because it looks just crazy.

Of course, the big winner of that is the Centerpiece: the Cursed Tree of the Decaying Souls is really nightmarish and that, to me, is better than a lot of things I've seen in Hollywood movies and other entertainment that features this type of abomination.

So I hope you'll feel like I do. I think you have a fantastic cast here of characters and troops and scenery elements. You can really build an amazing story around these.

Telling Stories

My feeling is that there's a lot of opportunity to build a story with that triangle of the Ratkin and Chaos trying to invade the Wood Elves' territory. 

Maybe the rats will realize that they've bitten more than they can chew at one point and will finally have to seek some sort of alliance with the Elves, even if this might seem completely against nature…

And the Elves might have to go for that alliance because they won't be able to face the Ratkin and the Forces of Chaos by themselves. 

And that’s only one option…

So this release sets up a very interesting background to do something cool.


If you're more interested in the wargaming aspect of all this, rest assured that we're going to continue to develop these existing factions. 

As I mentioned above, there is plenty of stuff from our previous releases that you can combine with this release to beef up your Pestilence Chaos, Ratkin or Wood Elves armies, and there will be more to come in the future for sure. 

Do tell!

As always, let me know which are your favorite characters? Which are the ones that you want to print right now? 

I really do hope you will love this release. We really think it's a very very good one, maybe one of our best. 

And the cool thing is that we're already working on the next two releases and it's going to be at least as crazy, maybe even more. Yep, there's some amazing stuff coming.

So have fun with that release and stay tuned for the future stuff because it's going to blow your mind!

Have a great day, have a great summer, happy gaming!

Pssst: Some background for you…


Elowen, Empress of Renewal
Anointed as the lifeblood of the forest, she was once a mortal elf chosen by the mythical Elder Tree to embody the eternal cycle of nature's growth and decay. Her touch alone can summon verdant groves and floral paradises, bending the very essence of flora to her will, nurturing life amidst desolate lands. Legend has it that her magnificent wings were a gift from the dragonflies themselves, a covenant granting her the power to bring renewal after every fall season.

Voltgnaw Ironclaw, Technomaster
Rising from the squalor of the undercities, he used his cunning and ruthless ingenuity to forge a warband equipped with scavenged technology. The power claw he bears is said to be forged in the cursed flame of decay, able to tear through dimensional fabrics and armor alike.

Sylvara Vinewhisper, The Verdant Siren
With her haunting melodies, she lures the unwary into her domain, where the forest itself consumes those seduced by her song. Tasked with defending the ancient heart of the deep woods where no light pierces, she weaves through trees like a ghost on the breeze.

Her vines and carnivorous plants cleanse the forest of intruders, recycling their essences to feed the sacred soil.

Seraphina Blight, Plague Ecclesiarch
Devotee to the God of Plague, she spreads pestilence with her scythe, each swing releasing spores of deadly diseases. Her veil conceals a face ravaged by her blessings, eyes glowing with a sickly light that sees through flesh and bone. Leading her cult of infected followers, she orchestrates rituals of decay, praying for their deity’s favor.

Carrion Cleric Veshar
He holds the cursed book of vermin lore, containing the secrets to blight and famine, read only by those who dare to invoke its calamitous spells. His body, a living hive for flies and decay, emits swarms that cloud the air and infect all they touch, a grim herald of his coming. Wrapped in decayed holy garments, his presence is feared as much by foes as by allies, for his auguries bring naught but despair.

Thalindra, Defender of the Forest
Sworn protector of the enchanted realms, her wooden armor was carved from the world tree's heartwood, as strong as any steel. Leading her squadron of aerial defenders, she maneuvers through the air with unmatched grace, guarding the upper canopies with vigilant eyes.

Lumia Galescythe, Guardian of the Glade
Her symbiotic relationship with a colossal centipede allows her unrivaled control over the underbrush, using it as her hunting ground. Her giant sickle, imbued with the first light of dawn, can cut through the darkest corruption, restoring purity with each swing.

Dr. Vicarus Mortifex, Plague Alchemist
In his esoteric labs, flasks and retorts bubble with concoctions that warp life into monstrous forms, all in the name of his grotesque experiments. He tests his vile creations on captives and volunteers alike, each elixir designed to maximize suffering and plague spread. Believing in the sacred conversion of flesh via alchemy, he seeks to unlock the final plague, a disease that could end all others by turning life into death incarnate.

Krugor, Herald of Blight
The bell he wields resonates with the doom of entire civilizations, each toll summoning flocks of demonic entities and causing decay to spread. His body, half-man, half-demonic fly, is a testament to his sacrifice, enduring transformation to embody his god’s vile image. Leading his festering legions, he represents the inevitability of the plague’s victory, an apocalypse marked by the endless buzzing of wings.


Golgorath the Bloated 
Golgorath is a towering figure of decay, his immense form crafted from layers of oozing fat and festering wounds. Horns of a fallen deer crown his skull-like head, symbolizing his rule over death and disease. His most dreadful feature, a vast mouth on his belly, emits horrifying screams and consumes the flesh of the fallen. Armed with a rusted flail and a huge, serrated sword, Golgorath spreads plague and panic with every swing.

Veldrathorn, Sacred forest beetle
A majestic giant beetle, gleams under the sun with an iridescent carapace that reflects the colors of the forest. As the chosen mount of the elven queen, Veldrathorn possesses incredible strength and agility, able to traverse rough woodland terrains with ease. His antennae shimmer with a magical aura, guiding the queen through hidden paths and guarding her with fierce loyalty.


Pestilent Zealots 
These rat men, cloaked in tattered monk robes, bear plague knives that drip with venomous disease. Their hunched backs and pustule-covered skins make them a ghastly sight in battle, each step they take leaves a trail of contagion, weakening their foes.

Chemforge Pack 
Wearing protective gear to handle their hazardous materials, these warriors carry glass orbs filled with toxic brews. Once shattered, these concoctions can melt armor and flesh alike, proving deadly efficient against encroaching troops.

WingWhisper Rangers 
As protectors of their enchanted lands, these scouts use their dragonfly wings to cover vast distances swiftly, spying on enemies and providing critical intelligence to their generals. Their arrows can strike as silently and gracefully as a falling leaf.

Pustulus BlightBringers 
Cloaked in deteriorating armor, their bloated flesh seeping through the cracks, these warriors wade into combat, using their physical corruption as both a weapon and a shield against all who oppose them.

BlightBringer on CarrionCloud Stingers
These giant, horned flies carry the warriors of decay into battle, their bodies a breeding ground for illness and contamination. They spread terror and plague spores across the battlefield, a horrific sight to behold.


Cursed Tree of the Decaying Souls

Corrupted Forest