↓ This Month's Release ↓

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Show me EVERYTHING in this month's release!




a) Subscribers get this month's huge release NOW, at an insanely low price
(non-subscribers need to wait until next month for this month's release
and will have to pay $90+
 for it)

b) You get our CONTINUING Black Friday subscriber-only discounts up to 83%
on ALL our past collections right now!

c) Your files show up neatly organized in your online account
(no more filling up your hard drive) 

Join us now!

Overlord membership



With each month’s release, you can build a full army or populate a full RPG campaign!


This is the best value!

Here's what you get:

+ Everything that is in the OVERLORD tier (including all benefits: Welcome box, Community, Polls, etc.) 

+ 15-20 Troops to create 4-5 different units 

+ An epic and out-of-this-world centerpiece, modular and/or scatter terrain elements 

+ A special model that is exclusive to our Overlord tier: this can be a mounted Hero, a Monster, or a very special character.

Only for $16 per month!

Best offer on the 3D printing world!!! 

Subscribe me to Overlord!

Leader Membership



In this tier, you get access, exclusively for your personal use, to:


+ A new Super Value STL Pack every month to 3D print Models and Scenery. The details will vary each month, but you can look forward to 
- a set of Troops
- a set of Heroes
- at least one Monster in both standalone and mounted versions (where applicable - some Monsters just can't be mounted...)
- alternate troopers' weapons
- various scenic bases

+ The Welcome Box: everything needed to 3D print a complete TAVERN with lots of furniture, counters, accessories, and more! Need a bigger tavern? No problem, just print more items! And hey, new items will be added regularly to this welcome box, too!

+ Exclusive polls to have your say on our future release!

For $10 per month you can print out a full army for the price on 1 resin miniature!


Subscribe me to Leader!

If you're already a Patron

Click the button below so you don't pay twice

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Show me All the Previous Collections!


Are you already subscribed to our Patreon?

Want to switch over to our home here on Heroes Infinite, have all your files securely waiting for you in your customer account (no need to fill up your hard drive every month) and get exclusive models and incredible deals?

It's easy! Subscribe now with the SAME email that you have for Patreon (you will be able to change it later) and then, contact us at [email protected] and we will refund your Patreon for this month.

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