Hello dear Heroes Infinite supporter!
First of all, let the whole Heroes Infinite team wish you a Happy New Year!
2021 has been a tough one for many, so we sincerely hope 2022 will bring a lot of joy and happiness to you and your loved ones.
On our end, we’ll do as much as we can to bring you good vibes and great gaming experiences through the Heroes Infinite miniatures and all the other things we have in store for you this year.
And there are a lot of cool things coming your way!
High Elves
The first one is the February release which will focus on High Elves. It has been a big ask ever since the launch of Heroes Infinite and, in fact, since the very early days of Raging Heroes.
But in the last poll we made a few months ago, it became clear that this was becoming a theme that more and more of you were interested in, so we followed your request and went for it.
We have now done two thirds of the sculpting work for the release and it is shaping up to be something very special once more!
Expect a lot of majestic elegance and mystical aura.
I’ve been delaying making High Elves for 12 years now because I felt they were an extra delicate subject to work on but now, I really think that we are doing them justice!
More on them soon….
What do you want next?
And so, after having created the 3 biggest requests that came out of the poll you participated in just a few months ago, we need to ask you again: what theme would you want us to cover?
Personally, I was thinking that we could go for a Maya / Aztec theme since we’ve had a lot of asks for that in the past and I accumulated a lot of references on that topic, but this is just my suggestion.
So tell us what you want now: What should Heroes Infinite tackle next?
Please leave your comments below and as always, I will review them in great detail and use them to build the release. Also, do give a thumbs up if you like comments from your fellow HI supporters!
That’s your turn now :)