Hello dear Heroes Infinite members.
As Christmas time is closing on us fast, I wanted to get back to you on the poll we did a few weeks ago about what you were hoping for come December. As always we received a lot of answers and interesting comments, and as always I have deep dived into these comments.
You can get all the details by watching the video below, where I go over your comments and share my feedback.
But I also thought that I would share with you a quick summary here from what we got from your answers, so just keep reading to get the short version.
(Click on the bottom right icon to watch in full screen, and hit Escape to return to this article.)
So the first thing that was obvious is that you like Christmas-themed miniatures! And there were a lot of asks for something that would really bring a Christmas vibe. But we wanted to do it in a way that would not be repetitive, as we've already done classics like Santa and Krampus and other characters.
And since a lot of you were asking for angels… We thought that we would definitely get into that direction.
But let's be clear, this is not the only thing you asked for, and we listened. And I'm not gonna reveal it here, but there will be something else in that release. What I can tell you is that we're going for something we have never done before.
In that poll, there were also a lot of other themes, not Christmas-related, that were talked of. There was a lot of talk about Cyberpunk, Jailbirds, and other classic Raging Heroes characters, and just so you know, we are looking into this right now.
There were a lot of asks for sci-fi themed releases, but they mostly gathered around a specific vibe, and we definitely want to explore that very soon.
In the video, I also talk about some of the challenges navigating like the post-COVID industry shift and the rising costs that have been tough on everyone and how this has impacted some of our strategy in the past few years and how we plan to work with that in the near future.
Part of that is a secret project that has long been delayed and that we hope will see the light of day in the first half of the coming year. We think it will be a real game changer. As always, you’ll be the first to know.
In closing, as always, your comments and suggestions are captivating, heartwarming, and inspiring for us. And as always, we're using them to build the future releases of Heroes Infinite.
In the meantime, I hope you're having a great time with the Black Friday season on both Heroes Infinite (up to 83% off) and also in our Raging Heroes store (for physical resin minis, up to 61% off), and also, that you are preparing for Christmas because, just so you know, we are ready and we are coming for you with boughs of holly, fa la la, la la, la la la la…