How do you get better at 3d Miniature Painting Contests?

contest Jun 22, 2022
 Watch this video! In there, Benoit, our co-founder and Art Director:

→  WATCH the full video here πŸ“Ή, then...

Enter the next 3d Miniature Painting Contest!

It's easy, just print your STL 3d file, paint, shoot and share:

  1. 3D-Print your favourite STL 3D file from Adventurer(s) of the Mechanium
  2. Paint it
  3. Shoot some cool pics
  4. Share your work

 We are looking forward to seeing all of your amazing entries!

 Contest ends June 30th at 23:59 GMT+2 [CET - Paris Time]! We'll pick the winners and announce the results in the first half of July.