Cyber Punks from Neon City
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Over 30 mesmerizing Ready-To-3D-Print* heroes, troops, monsters, plus jaw-dropping scenery. Build a full wargaming army or stage an amazing role playing adventure.
Check it out and grab it now!
* All miniatures are available in both unsupported and supported format, ready to print on your 3D printer.
"Wow!!! Just gorgeous! Now go take a nap, you've all earned it!"
- Peetey897
"Damn. Love this release. I can see a lot of these making it to my print bed. Thanks so much. Also, how freaking amazing is ue4. It's insane for a real-time engine just how good it is."
- Michael Finbarr-Smith
"Amazingly cool, well done! Looking forward to these models and hoping you do a 2nd wave of Raging Heroes cyberpunk in the future :)"
- Stephen Pfann
"Simply incredible!!! the best so far without a doubt, I want more cyber punk and future ;)"
- Sergio Lafuente
"Wow! That’s a super impressive release. Congrats guys"
- George Morcos
"These are awesome. Can't wait to get them!!!!"
- Gary Krieger
This amazing set of ready to 3D print miniatures comes fully supported.
This set is not available in physical miniatures yet but will be in the future.
If you're looking for physical resin miniatures, please visit our website
Cyber Punks from Neon City
Are you ready for some serious cyberpunk badassery?
You know us, we don’t like to do things like everybody else :) To me, this Cyberpunk release was the perfect opportunity to do this. I wanted to show cyberpunk characters with a somewhat unique feel and, more than anything, I wanted them to evoke moods and atmosphere that are more than just miniatures on the table and really take us into the beyond…
So sit down, fasten your seatbelt, and jump for a wild ride with the Cyber Punks from Neon City!

The plan was to take your favourite Heroes Infinite fantasy sculpts and turn them into cyberpunk characters. We love to do that because we love to explore different facets and looks for a given character. Just like everybody loves to see their beloved superheroes in alternative universes or cross-overs between stories and genre, we took some of your favourite models to give them a new life in a new universe.
That’s what we’ve been doing since the early days of Raging Heroes, releasing most of our miniatures both in Fantasy and Sci-Fi. And our customers love to be able to use a character they've grown fond of in very different games and universes.

There is more to miniatures than just miniatures. To us, it is about making imaginary worlds come to life. We worked very hard on this release to immerse you all in a lucid neon dream. For this release, we actually moved our entire render pipeline into the videogame-making software Unreal Engine!

Here is the full line-up of all the minis from this release.
From the release post
Are you ready for some serious cyberpunk badassery?
You know us, we don’t like to do things like everybody else :) To me, this Cyberpunk release was the perfect opportunity to do this. I wanted to show cyberpunk characters with a somewhat unique feel and, more than anything, I wanted them to evoke moods and an atmosphere that are more than just miniatures on the table and really take us into the beyond…
So sit down, fasten your seatbelt, and jump for a wild ride with the Cyber Punks from Neon City!
There is a lot to tell you about this release, and why it took so long to share it with you, but when you’ll watch the video above, you may get some ideas as to why… We’ll get into it in upcoming posts.
The plan was to take your favourite Heroes Infinite fantasy sculpts and turn them into cyberpunk characters. We love to do that because we love to explore different facets and looks for a given character. Just like everybody loves to see their beloved superheroes in alternative universes or cross-overs between stories and genre, we took some of your favourite models to give them a new life in a new universe.
That’s what we’ve been doing since the early days of Raging Heroes, releasing most of our miniatures both in Fantasy and Sci-Fi. And our customers love to be able to use a character they ‘ve grown fond of in very different games and universes.
There is more to miniatures than just miniatures. To us, it is about making imaginary worlds come to life. We worked very hard on this release to immerse you all in a lucid neon dream. For this release, we actually moved our entire render pipeline into the video game-making software Unreal Engine!
We also partnered with the very talented Meteor, who shared with us “Destroyer”, one of the sickest synthwave tracks ever! Find everything about him at
We put it all together so that this month’s release would be more than a set of 3D files for printing and turn into a total experience.
We’ll post more images and more behind-the-scenes peeks in upcoming posts. But now, please allow us to rest a wee bit after a very sleep-deprived week. I take this opportunity to express my warmest gratitude to the Raging Heroes crew who support and help turn into reality my crazy schemes and ideas!
This release was also the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to a musician who just passed away and who has made rock guitar what it is today. And so this release is dedicated to the memory of the insanely amazing Eddie Van Halen.
So now, would you like to see the Cyber Punks from Neon City movie and/or game? Tell us what you envision!!!
- Benoit Guerville
PS: And if you think that reusing an existing character is a lazy way to get the work done, you could not be more wrong. This cyberpunk release is so different from anything else we usually do that it is the release that required the most work since the launch of this Patreon. Actually quite a bit more than we had anticipated...