Arthurian Legends
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Over 50 mesmerizing Ready-To-3D-Print* heroes, troops, monsters and scenery.
Build a full wargaming army or stage an amazing role playing adventure.
Check it out and grab it now!
* All miniatures are available in both unsupported and supported format, ready to print on your 3D printer.
"The knights on horseback are my favorites! Honestly I feel you have outdone yourselves! These models are so amazing!!!"
- Juan Nieves
"absolutely fantastic release, such a great theme to make models around. I'm especially impressed with all the (modular) terrain that you have been adding to all the releases and hope there's more coming."
- Alan Wijntje
"I love the swordsmen and archers of the realm."
- Johnny McPherson
"Hi! I want to thank you for bringing the Arthurian Legends. This is what i wished lot. Very Big Thank You! Those look awesome. (...)And you make one of my dreams true which other manufacturers didn't make (Not even Norba Miniatures yet). You were the first who bring HIppogryph Knights unit! This is very big thing. I and all Warhammer Armies Project Bretonnian players thank you very much for those models, because Bretonnians have Hippogryph Knights units in Rare Choice. Once more, very big thank you! =)"
- Marko
"Wow this is absolutely spectacular. They look like they jumped right off the pages of some of the most beautiful medieval manuscripts. The horses have such dynamism in their poses. You totally succeeded with the design. But not just the model designs, the paint schemes you've made are fantastic! Please complement your painters as well! In one word, glorieux!"
- The Wise Ape
"Gorgeous, absolutely stunning!!!! These are going to be a joy to paint, I can feel it in my waters (what little there is left after this summer of heat). My wife (Queen of the house and she who must be obeyed) has just given me my Christmas present early, a new BIGGGGGG resin printer, I can now print these at a size to do them justice. Can not wait to start. Thank you to all the HI team, fantastic sculpts, maintaining the standard we have come to expect from you."
- nightlurker
This amazing set of ready to 3D print miniatures comes fully supported.
This set is not yet available in physical miniatures but will be in the future.
If you're looking for physical resin miniatures, please visit our website
Arthurian Legends
Although the Arthurian mythology comes from very early medieval times, the story of Arthur and his knights had a big peak of popularity during Victorian times at the peak of the gothic revival period.
This is why the Arthurian knights are often represented as knights from the XVth and XVIth century, when the gothic style and culture was in full bloom.
This sits very well with me as this is one of my favorite times in history, stylistically speaking!
The visual development of this release was quite intense as I pushed the team to immerse themselves in historical references much more than usual.
I asked them to look at depictions of the knights’ tournaments’ clothing and equipment, study the beautiful heraldry plates of that time, and scrutinize the amazing Flemish painters and artists like Van Eyck and Dürer.
For some sculptors, it was sometimes challenging to digest all the stylistic codes of that era, and also to use them to make something that was a bridge between historical references and fantasy creations.
But in the end, they all came through and did an amazing job!!!
In fact, you will have noticed that the Heroes Infinite Troops models have become increasingly intricate and complex over the past few months! So we decided to actually double the sculptors’ fees for them to keep up with the amount of work that is put into making them.
Here is the full line-up of all the minis from this release.
From the release post
Although the Arthurian mythology comes from very early medieval times, the story of Arthur and his knights had a big peak of popularity during Victorian times at the peak of the gothic revival period.
This is why the Arthurian knights are often represented as knights from the XVth and XVIth century, when the gothic style and culture was in full bloom.
This sits very well with me as this is one of my favorite times in history, stylistically speaking!
The visual development of this release was quite intense as I pushed the team to immerse themselves in historical references much more than usual.
I asked them to look at depictions of the knights’ tournaments’ clothing and equipment, study the beautiful heraldry plates of that time, and scrutinize the amazing Flemish painters and artists like Van Eyck and Dürer.
For some sculptors, it was sometimes challenging to digest all the stylistic codes of that era, and also to use them to make something that was a bridge between historical references and fantasy creations.
But in the end, they all came through and did an amazing job!!!
In fact, you will have noticed that the Heroes Infinite Troops models have become increasingly intricate and complex over the past few months! So we decided to actually double the sculptors’ fees for them to keep up with the amount of work that is put into making them.